After the FUEN Congress: No slavic representatives in the new Presidium
The war in Ukraine and the regress in the protection of minority rights in Europe was on everyone’s mind at the opening ceremony of the FUEN Congress 2022, held on Thursday, 29 September at the Representation of state Brandenburg in Berlin, Germany.
The FUEN Congress 2022 took place in Berlin from 17-20 November 2022, and was co-hosted by the 4 national minorities from Germany, the North Frisians, the Sinti and Roma, the Danes and the Lusatian Sorbs (members of AGSM). There were many topics discussed and many decissions made. You can read about the Congress in the press releases in the links below the article.
The AGSM held its regular working meeting during the Congress, where the slavic minorities presented their current topics and issues. Over 25 representatives of Slavic minorites came together on this occasion. With many minorities being directly or indirectly affected by the Russian aggression war in Ukraine, the situation for many slavic minorities is not easy. The work of AGSM was presented, as well as the new translation of the Slovenian AGSM Brochure which was done in cooperation with NSKS (Carinthian Slovenes in Austria) and SSO (Slovenes in Italy). It was underlined, that the Slavic minorites were very active within the FUEN In the last years, hosting almost all major FUEN events, e.g. last years Congress in Trieste / Trst, EUROPEADA 2022 in Carinthia / Koroška, etc.
This years AGSM Seminar in Vienna / Beč was presented by the Burgenland-Croats who will host it from 17-20 November 2022.
Here you can find the photos of the AGSM meeting and the minority market.
At its Congress in Berlin, FUEN’s Assembly of Delegates adopted a Main Resolution on the war in Ukraine and global and European frameworks for minority protection on Saturday, 1 October 2022, as well as 9 further resolutions. At the Presidium elections, Loránt Vincze was re-elected as a president for his 3rd and last mandate. Unfortunately Angelika Mlinar, Carintian Slovene and current AGSM-Spokesperson was not re-elected as FUEN Vice-President. Hence the Slavic minorities in do not have any representative in the new FUEN presidium. This shall be further discussed at the upcoming AGSM Seminar from 17-20 November 2022 in Vienna. More than that, we are happy about the fact that we can welcome 3 new member organisations in the FUEN and AGSM family: the Slovenian Economic and Cultural Association (Italy) and the Montenegrin Association ZGCA Elbasan (Albania) became associated members, Macedonian Movement to Promote Mother Language Krste Misirkov (Macedonian minority in Greece) became supporting member. Welcome! Dobrodošli!
At this point the AGSM would like to appreciate and thank Dr. Angelika Mlinar for her work as FUEN Vice-President during her last mandate! Hvala!
We also wish the new presidium all the best and a fruitful mandate!
Photo:Laszlo Mihaly
Here you can read FUEN Press releases: