The FUEN Presidium and the Working Group of Slavic Minorities (AGSM) strongly condemn the racist postings in Carinthia/Koroška
"The statements of the youth of the Carinthian Freedom Party (FPÖ)* and later of some of its former members directed against the Slovene ethnic group in Carinthia/Koroška are condemned in the strongest terms by the FUEN Presidium, as well as by the Working Group of Slavic Minorities (AGSM)," said Loránt Vincze, Member of the European Parliament and President of FUEN.
"The racist publications are highly inappropriate and reflect a level of election campaigning that should have ended long ago in Carinthia. It is sad that such desperate calls for attention with such discriminatory rhetoric come from young people who for the most part grew up in a diverse Europe without borders, but which are obviously still in their minds," added Angelika Mlinar, AGSM spokesperson and Carinthian Slovenian.
With this, the FUEN also expresses its full support to the Slovene ethnic group in Carinthia, which is represented by two member organisations, the Council of Carinthian Slovenes (NSKS) and the Community of Carinthian Slovenes (SKS). It is gratifying that both the public and the official politics of both countries have quickly and clearly rejected this hate speech. As the largest umbrella organisation of national minorities and linguistic communities in Europe, FUEN will continue to campaign for the protection and consistent implementation of the laws for national minorities.
*The Freedom Youth Carinthia (Freiheitliche Jugend Kärntens) recently called on Instagram to vote the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) out of power in order to stop the "Slovenification" of the country. The post was later taken offline, but caused a stir in Austria and Slovenia.
Predsedstvo Federalistične unije Evropskih narodnih skupnosti (FUEN) in Delovna skupnost slovanskih manjšin (AGSM) najostreje obsojata rasistične objave* na avstrijskem Koroškem
„Izjave podmladka koroške svobodnjaške stranke (FPÖ), ter kasneje nekaterih njenih bivših članov, ki so bile uperjene proti slovenski narodni skupnosti na avstrijskem Koroškem, Predsedstvo FUEN-a, kot tudi Delovna skupnost slovanskih manjšin (AGSM) najostreje obsojamo« je dejal Loránt Vincze, poslanec Evropskega parlamenta in predsednik FUEN-a.
„Rasistične objave so skrajno neprimerne in odražajo nivo predvolilnega boja, ki bi moral biti na Koroškem že zdavnaj pasé. Žalosti, da takšni obupani kriki po pozornosti s takšno diskriminatorno retoriko prihajajo s strani mladih, ki so po večini že odraščali v raznoliki Evropi brez meja, venda so te očitno še prisotne v glavah“, je dodala Angelika Mlinar, govornica AGSM-a in koroška Slovenka.
FUEN s tem tudi izraža svojo popolno podporo slovenski narodni skupnosti na avstrijskem Koroškem, ki ga zastopata dve članski organizaciji Narodni svet koroških Slovencev in Skupnost koroških Slovencev in Slovenk. Veseli dejstvo, da so bili tako odzivi javnosti kot tudi uradne politike obeh držav hitri in jasni, da ta sovražni govor ostro zavračajo. Kot največja krovna organizacija narodnih skupnosti in jezikovnih manjšin v Evropi, se bo FUEN še naprej zavzemal za zaščito in dosledno izpolnjevanje zakonov o narodnih skupnostih.
*Svobodnjaški podmladek (FJK) je nedavno na omrežju Instagram pozval, naj z glasovanjem z oblasti umaknejo socialdemokratsko stranko (SPÖ) in s tem ustavijo „slovenizacijo“ dežele. Objavo so kasneje umaknili s spleta, vendar je povzročila razburjenje v Avstriji in v Sloveniji.