A high working meeting of the ministers in Globasnitz / Globasnica
LH Peter Kaiser (SPÖ) met the two Slovenian ministers Matej Arčon, responsible for the Slovenes in the neighboring countries and in the world, and Aleksander Jevšek, responsible for cohesion and regional development, in Globasnitz/ Globasnica for a working meeting on Tuesday. Central content was cross-border cooperation, EU projects and ethnic group issues.
According to a broadcast by the State Press Service (LPD), the Slovenian Consul General Anton Novak and Mayor Bernhard Sadovnik (Unity List/ Enotna lista) also took part in the working meeting.
According to the broadcast, LH Kaiser praised the cross-border cooperation between the two neighboring countries. "The cross-border projects are a success story that not only benefits the regions but also the population," said Kaiser, pointing to the example of the Geopark Karawanken/Geopark Karavanke, in which nine Carinthian municipalities and five Slovenian municipalities are involved.
In the area of ethnic groups policy, private bilingual kindergartens, bilingual teaching and bilingual jurisdiction were discussed.
The division of the teaching languages German and Slovenian falls within the competence of the federal government. Kaiser emphasized that the new lesson plan must not lead to any deterioration in the bilingual school system: "We will discuss this topic in the dialogue forum and work out the necessary measures to ensure the quality of the teaching."
The Carinthian governor once again made a clear commitment to maintaining the bilingual district courts in Ferlach/ Borovlje, Bad Eisenkappel/ Železna Kapla and Bleiburg/ Pliberk. "There is a unanimous decision by the state parliament to maintain the three bilingual district courts," emphasized Kaiser, according to the LPD.
In the direction of Slovenia, the governor demanded the recognition of the German-speaking ethnic group as a minority and expressed concerns about the nuclear power plant in Krško.
Minister Matej Arčon praised the solution-oriented climate of discussion. "In order to promote exchange, we have decided to hold a working meeting once a year," explained the minister.
For Minister Aleksander Jevšek, too, cross-border cooperation is a win for the regions. "The projects need to be further expanded and cooperation intensified," summarized Jevšek.
This was followed by a meeting of the Slovenian ministers with Slovenian-speaking mayors and deputy mayors from southern Carinthia. Arčon is still in Carinthia on Wednesday.
Original message from ORF: https://volksgruppen.orf.at/slovenci/melden/stories/3200722/
In Slovenian - ORF v slovenščini: https://volksgruppen.orf.at/slovenci/stories/3200737/
Delovni obisk slovenskih ministrov
Globasnica je bila v torek spet enkrat prizorišče visokega obiska iz Ljubljane. Na povabilo župana Bernarda Sadovnika (EL) sta se tam srečala slovenska ministra za Slovence v zamejstvu Matej Arčon in za kohezijo in regionalni razvoj Aleksander Jevšek s koroškim deželnim glavarjem, s slovensko govorečimi župani in podžupani ter predstavniki krovnih organizacij koroških Slovencev.
Župan Bernard Sadovnik pa je, po tem, ko je Globasnica spet enkrat z dejanji zapolnila pomen čezmejnega sodelovanja, prepričan, da bo to krepilo odnose med Slovenijo in Koroško, s tem pa tudi položaj slovenščine v deželi.
Teme dopoldanskih pogovorov v prostorih globaškega muzeja so bile manjšinska politika, čezmejno sodelovanje in še posebej načrti za še poglobljeno skupno pot na vseh področjih. Eno so poudarili vsi: odnosi med deželama so odlični, občutni da so napredki in zaznavna da je resna volja za še tesnejše sodelovanje.
Nagovoriti teme, ki jih je treba še rešiti, da med prijatelji ne more in ne sme biti problem, temveč izziv za reševanje, je poudaril deželni glavar Peter Kaiser (SPÖ).
Zelo pozitivno je pogovore ocenil tudi minister RS za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu Matej Arčon.
Odlično sodelovanje med deželama je izpostavil tudi minister RS za kohezijo in regionalni razvoj Aleksander Jevšek. Dobro sosedstvo da je temelj za boljši jutri za ljudi na obeh straneh, s skupnimi močmi in prizadevanji da je mogoče doseči marsikaj.
Po srečanju z deželnim glavarjem sta se ministra sestala s slovensko govorečimi župani, ter s podžupani iz vrst Enotne liste in s predstavniki krovnih organizacij slovenske narodne skupnosti. Popoldne sta ministra obiskala Geopark Karavanke ter Zadrugo in kulturni dom v Pliberku. Minister Arčon bo nadaljeval svoj obisk v sredo.