FUEN Season's Greetings
Dear Member Organisations, Partners, Supporters, Friends!
Another eventful year is coming to an end – a time to pause and reflect on what has been accomplished. Over the past twelve months, we have achieved so much together: the EUROPEADA in the German-Danish border region built bridges through sports and culture, our anniversary congress in Husum/Hüsem allowed us to celebrate FUEN’s 75th anniversary together with you, and numerous other initiatives and projects – both large and small – have further strengthened the diversity and rights of Europe’s minorities.
Now, we would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas, a peaceful holiday season, and a successful start to the new year 2025. May health, happiness, and confidence be your constant companions!
The upcoming year will bring many challenges and projects that we will tackle together with you. To approach these with renewed energy and determination, we wish all of us a restful time and fresh strength for the journey ahead. The work for the rights and promotion of Europe’s minorities remains our motivation and our promise.
Thank you for being part of this strong community and supporting us on this path!
With festive greetings,
Your FUEN Team
The AGSM wishes you:
Vesel Božič in srečno novo leto! [Slowenisch]
Veselé Vánoce a Šťastný Nový Rok! [Tschechisch]
срећан Божић и Нова година! [Serbisch]
Честит Божиќ и Среќна Нова Година! [Mazedonisch]
Wjesołe hody a měrniwy start do noweho lěta! [Obersorbisch]
Veselé Vianoce a Šťastný Nový Rok! [Slowakisch]
З Різдвом і новим роком! [Ukrainisch]
Sretan Božić i Nova Godina! [Kroatisch]
веселого Рождества и счастливого Нового года! [Russisch]
Wjasołe gódy a měrny start do nowego lěta! [Niedersorbisch]
Wesołych Świąt i Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku! [Polnisch]