State Commissioner Dünow: Supporting European minorities is living in diversity
The Brandenburg State Commissioner for Sorbs / Wends Affairs, State Secretary for Science and Culture
Tobias Dünow, was disappointed with the EU decision: “It is extremely regrettable that the EU Commission has not adopted a single suggestion from the successful citizens' initiative. This is a snub to the 1.2 million citizens who campaigned for this minority initiative. Regardless of this, the state of Brandenburg will adhere to its minority policy and continue to promote cultural and linguistic diversity. Because we are proud of our linguistic and cultural diversity. The Wendish people and the German Sinti and Roma are an integral part of our society, our history, our culture - and part of the European cultural heritage. "
The Sorbs / Wends have lived in Lusatia for around 1,500 years. Despite attempts at assimilation by earlier rulers and governments, they have retained their own language and their culture, which is characterized by numerous festivals and diverse customs. The states of Brandenburg and Saxony and the federal government support the efforts of the Sorbs / Wends to preserve and develop their traditional national identity. In recent years, the state of Brandenburg has taken a number of measures to better protect the culture and language of the national minority and supports the Foundation for the Sorbian People with 3.9 million euros annually.
Sinti and Roma have lived in Brandenburg for centuries. In order to strengthen their situation, the state and the regional association of German Sinti and Roma Berlin-Brandenburg signed an agreement in October 2018 on dealing with, commemorating and working together. One focus of the agreement is memorial and anti-discrimination work. The aim is to sensitize educational and youth institutions as well as local authorities to the history and culture of the Sinti and Roma. The state supports the memorial and remembrance work of the regional association of German Sinti and Roma Berlin-Brandenburg with 5,000 euros annually.
The central umbrella organisation of Sorbs / Wends is Domowina, which is the funding organisation of the AGSM.