Elections in Carinthia/Koroška: Franz-Jožef Smrtnik was elected
"As is so often the case, this Carinthian state election also caused surprises. The SPÖ had to accept significant losses, but remains the force with the most votes in the country, while the other parties almost all have a plus - albeit in different sizes," reports the ORF.
As before, four parties are represented in the state parliament, and the distribution of seats will look like this in the future: The SPÖ has 15 mandates - three fewer than before. The FPÖ remains with its 9 mandates. The ÖVP has seven seats in the state parliament, and the Carinthia team (Köfer list) is expanding from three to five seats. A coalition majority needs at least 19 mandates.
Also on Köfer's list was the deputy mayor of Bad-Eisenkappel/Železna kapla Franz-Jožef Smrtnik, who would also like to support the interests of "all Carinthian Slovenes". The top candidate of the Greens, Olga Voglauer, a member of the National Council, did not make it through.
The Greens achieved 3.85 percent, 0.7 percent more than in 2018. Top candidate, state spokeswoman and member of the National Council Olga Voglauer consoled herself with the slight gain in votes for the Greens for not reaching the Carinthian state parliament. The organic farmer noted that the Greens in Carinthia have grown. "We will continue to be the strong voice." It is often luck and coincidence that a harvest succeeds. "I'm sure the next one will be a good one."
Voter turnout was 71.6 percent (2018: 68.63 percent).
The AGSM would like to congratulate Franz-Jožef Smrtnik and wish him every success in his mandate in the state parliament! / Iskrene čestitke Franz-Jožef Smrtniku za vsstop v koroški deželni zbor, ter uspešno delo in sodelovanje za boljši položaj slovenske manjšine na Koroškem!
Original News from ORF: https://volksgruppen.orf.at/slovenci/meldungen/stories/3197463/