New Spokesperson of AGSM
Dr. Hartmut S. Leipner, Lusatian Sorb
Privatdoz. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Hartmut S. Leipner
* 1958 in Cottbus/Chóśebuz
1982 Graduate of Charles University, Prague, Diploma in Physics
2001 habilitation in physics at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU)
Since 2001 scientific director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Material Sciences at MLU
Over 150 scientific publications in specialist journals on material science issues
Chairman of the Association for the Promotion of the Wendish Language in the Church e. V./Spěchowańske towaristwo za serbsku rěc w cerkwi z. t.
Wendish lector in the Evangelical Church Berlin-Brandenburg-schlesische Oberlausitz
Board member of the Maśica Serbska
Member of the Cottbus environmental group in the Green League
Deputy chairman of the Domowina since 2021
Publicist in Wendish on current political, ecological and historical topics of the Sorbs/Wends, among other things editor of the Protestant magazine "Nowy wósadnik".
Some more information at www.cmat.uni-halle.de/~hsl/ <http://www.cmat.uni-halle.de/~hsl/>. See also the Wendisch-blog https://libotka.wordpress.com/
Hartmut Leipner was unanimously elected speaker at the AGSM Seminar 2023 in Zagreb, Croatia, taking over from her predecessor Dr Angelika Mlinar, Carinthian Slovenian.