10 years of Macedonian Newspaper "Ilinden"
Exactly ten years ago, on March 1, 2011, the first issue of the Macedonian newspaper "Ilinden" was published as a double issue (March / April) as a bulletin of the Macedonian association "Ilinden"- Tirana. For the past ten years, the newspaper has aroused great interest among the Macedonian readers in the Republic of Albania, in the homeland Macedonia and among the Macedonian diaspora in the world.
"According to the numerous letters that arrive at the e-mail address of the editorial office from "Ilinden" as well as the communication through the newspaper's profiles on social networks with the readers, we notice that in the ten year period the newspaper has grown into a serious medium whose news and topics feed more and more beneficiaries of the Macedonian national minority in the Republic of Albania", said Nikola Gjurgjaj, Editor-in-Chief.
The Macedonian newspaper "Ilinden" has printed 45 issues so far, and starting from March 2017, in addition to the printed version, the newspaper can be followed through its online edition: www.vesnik-ilinden.com
"In that way, our newspaper became available to the general public: to all Macedonians in Albania, the region and the whole world. In the same year, from September 2017, the Macedonian newspaper "Ilinden" was standardized according to the international norms for printed and electronic periodicals with ISSN 2522-6282 (online) and ISSN 2522-4514 (print) and part of the two largest readers of news and client file in Macedonia: grid.mk and daily.mk", so Gjurgjaj.
The mission of the newspaper remains to encourage and maintain the Macedonian language and identity in the Republic of Albania. We remain confident that our activities will be adequately supported by the state institutions of Albania and Macedonia, as well as by Macedonians around the world.
The editorial board of "Ilinden" used this opportunity to thank all its collaborators, who selflessly helped in conceptualizing the thematic and visual content of the newspaper. "Since then until today, the newspaper "Ilinden" gives a great contribution in recording and overcoming many issues of interest to Macedonians in the Republic of Albania, and continuously works on protection and affirmation of the Macedonian ethnic, linguistic and cultural identity and national traditions of Macedonians in the Republic Albania", so the editorial board.
At the same time, the editorial office thanks the loyal readers, who with their interest in the contents offered by the newspaper showed that they really touched the core of the problems of the Macedonians in the Republic of Albania and brought the Macedonian literary language closer to their communication, expression and creation.
AGSM congratulates on this occasion and wishes many more years and readers ahead!