AGSM brochure in Slovenian: the presentation of translation in Gorizia / Gorica
On Thursday, October 27th, 2022, the Slovenian translation of the AGSM brochure, which was made in cooperation between Carinthian Slovenes and Slovenes in Italy by two AGSM member organizations, SSO and NSKS, was presented in Gorizia/Gorica. AGSM coordinator Matic Germovšek Ž. also presented the AGSM film about the Carinthian Slovene minority to the audience. The film is uploaded on Youtube in 3 languages (Slovenian, German, English) and can be found HERE.
As part of the "Srečanje pod lipami" (meeting under the linden trees) series of events, the Carinthian Slovene minority was invited to Gorica to present their culture, associations and daily concerns. You can read more about this in two newspaper articles in Slovenian:
You can read an article about it in Primorski dnevnik here.
Here you can read an article in Novi Glas.
Here you can read a Facebook post of NSKS about the event.
The Slovenian edition of the AGSM brochure was realized in 2022 in cooperation with two Slovenian members. NSKS - Council of Carinthian Slovenes and SSO - Council of Slovenian Organizations in Italy did the translation and printing, AGSM did the layout and the online version. After the German, Lower-Sorbian and Croatian, this is the 4th language of the AGSM Brochure , we hope there will be more to come!
As part of the visit, the AGSM coordinator also met with the representatives of the SSO and SKGZ - who is a brand new member of the FUEN family - to share their concerns, activities and challenges. While SSO is already an established member, SKGZ was only added to the FUEN / AGSM family in 2022.
Slovenska izdaja brošure AGSM je izšla leta 2022 v sodelovanju z dvema slovenskima članicama. NSKS - Svet koroških Slovencev in SSO - Svet slovenskih organizacij v Italiji sta poskrbela za prevod in tisk, AGSM za oblikovanje in spletno različico. Brošuro lahko preberete na spletu tukaj.