
Kolo Slavuj Adventskalender stellt Burgenland-Kroatische Trachten vor

Kolo Slavuj advent calendar presents Burgenland-Croatian costumes


The Burgenland-Croatian folklore group "Kolo Slavuj" presents various Burgenland costumes on their YouTube channel in their Advent calendar 2021.

Domowina begrüßt Koalitionsvertrag – autochthone nationale Minderheiten beachtet

Domowina begrüßt Koalitionsvertrag – autochthone nationale Minderheiten beachtet


Die DOMOWINA – Bund Lausitzer Sorben, die in Brandenburg und Sachsen als die gesetzlich anerkannte Interessenvertretung des sorbischen Volkes fungiert, begrüßt den Koalitionsvertrag 2021-2025 von SPD, BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN und FDP mit Blick auf die vier autochthonen nationalen Minderheiten in Deutschland – die Dänen, Friesen, die deutschen Sinti und Roma sowie das sorbische Volk.


"Zejler-Kocor-Jahr" mit Reigen von 30 Veranstaltungen und Höhepunkt mit 340 Sängern aus der ganzen Lausitz


Anlässlich des 150. Todestages von Handrij Zejler (15.10.1872) und des 200. Geburtstages von Korla Awgust Kocor (3.12.1822) werden rund 30 Veranstaltungen und Aktionen durchgeführt, die an das Wirken und kulturelle Erbe dieser beiden herausragenden Persönlichkeiten in der Geschichte des sorbischen Volkes erinnern.

AGSM gratuliert Bjarnat Cyž zum Bundesverdienstkreuz

AGSM congratulates Bjarnat Cyž on the Federal Cross of Merit


The AGSM warmly congratulates our long-time speaker and FUEN Vice President Bernhard Ziesch (Bjarnat Cyž) on the Federal Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Ruhe in Frieden Antonio

Rest in peace Antonio


With pain and a heavy heart, we announce the sad news that our dear friend and member of FUEN and AGSM, Antonio Sammartino, left us much too early.

Der Beratende Ausschuss zum Rahmenübereinkommen zum Schutz nationaler Minderheiten besuchte die kroatische Minderheit in Molise

Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities visited Molise Croatian minority


On 17th November 2021 a delegation of the Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities of the Council of Europe visited Molise Croatian minority for the 5th monitoring visit to Italy.

Auch kleine Gemeinden erhalten unsere Unterstützung: Molise-Kroaten waren Gastgeber des 24. AGSM-Seminars

Small communities also have our support: Molise Croats hosted the 24th AGSM Seminar


Last week, the small community of Croats in Molise, Italy, hosted the 24th Seminar of the Working Group of Slavic Minorities in FUEN (AGSM). Over 30 participants from seven countries, representing nine minority groups took part in the meeting which started on Friday, 1 October with the official opening. Antonio Sammartino, President of the host organisation Foundation Agostina Piccoli said they are very honored that such a small minority was chosen to become host of the event and thanked the participants for taking part in it, thus sending a strong sign of support to the community. FUEN Vice President and Speaker of AGSM Angelika Mlinar welcomed the participants, noting that FUEN support all its members in solidarity, regardless of the size of the community.

AGSM Seminar im lokalen Fernsehsender

AGSM Seminar in the local TV-Channel


The local television station TLT News also reported on the 24th AGSM seminar in Molise. From 15:40 onwards you can see the contribution in Italian.

VertreterInnen der Slowenischen Minderheit ziehen in den Gemeinderat von Triest / Trst

Representatives of the Slovenian minority elected to the municipal council of Trieste / Trst


After the local elections in Italy - also in some municipalities in which the Slovene ethnic group is resident - three Slovenes from the ranks of the Democratic Party will also sit on the Trieste municipal council. The Party of the Slovenian Community (SSk) will put the results to the test on Wednesday.

24. AGSM Seminar in Molise fängt heute an

24th AGSM Seminar in Molise starts today


The 24th AGSM Seminar starts on Thursday, 30 September 2021 in Molise, Italy. The representatives of the Slavic minorities in Europe will be greeted at tonight’s informal opening by Antonio Sammartino, President of the host Foundation „Agostina Piccoli“ and Angelika Mlinar, FUEN Vice President and AGSM Spokesperson.
