
24. AGSM Seminar in Molise fängt heute an

24th AGSM Seminar in Molise starts today


The 24th AGSM Seminar starts on Thursday, 30 September 2021 in Molise, Italy. The representatives of the Slavic minorities in Europe will be greeted at tonight’s informal opening by Antonio Sammartino, President of the host Foundation „Agostina Piccoli“ and Angelika Mlinar, FUEN Vice President and AGSM Spokesperson.

24. Seminar der Slawischen Minderheiten 2021 findet in Molise, Italien statt

24th Seminar of Slavic Minorities 2021 will take place in Molise, Italy


After having to cancel it last year, we are pleased to inform you that the 24th Seminar of Slavic Minorities in Europe will take place from 30 September to 03 October 2021 in Molise, Italy at the Croatian minority. It will be organised together with our member organisation "Foundation Agostina Piccoli". Further details and registration information will follow. For now, we would like to ask you to mark the date, check your email inboxes regularly and look at our AGSM homepage for more information.

Petar Tyran mit dem Silbernen Ehrenzeichen des Landes Burgenland geehrt

Petar Tyran honored with the Silver Medal of Honor of Burgenland


The Burgenland-Croatian journalist and editor-in-chief of the Croatian weekly newspaper Hrvatske Novine was awarded the "Silver Medal of Burgenland" in recognition of his services to the Croatian ethnic minority in Burgenland.

Bernhard Ziesch über die Gründung der AGSM im Jahr 1996

Bernhard Ziesch über die Gründung der AGSM im Jahr 1996


Bernhard Ziesch spricht über die Gründung der AGSM vor 25 Jahren.

AGSM Seminar 2021 findet Ende September in Molise, Italien statt

AGSM Seminar 2021 will take place in Molise, Italy


The 24th Seminar of Slavic Minorities in Europe will take place from 30 September to 03 October 2021 at the Croatian Minority in Molise. It will be organised together with the "Agostina Piccoli" Foundation.

Radio Beitrag zum Projekt von Zavod Burja

Radio Show about the Project of Zavod Burja


Here you can listen to the radio show "Sami Naši" about the Zavod Burja project in Slovenian from minute 8-14. AGSM coordinator Matic Germovšek Ž. was also present at the project presentation and can be heard in the contribution. 

Zavod Burja stellt Projektergebnisse vor und wurde vom AGSM-Koordinator besucht

Zavod Burja presents project results and was visited by AGSM Coordinator


On Monday, May 31st, the Burja Institute from Rimske Toplice, Slovenia hosted the third and last multiplicative event of the Minority Youth Library project (Manjšinska mladinoteka). The event was organized on the premises of the OC-cinema in Laško and was visited by the AGSM coordinator Matic Germovšek Ž. "Zavod Burja" unites Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian (ex-Yugoslav) minorities in Slovenia and has also been cooperating with the AGSM since 2018.

Ministerin Jaklitsch besucht Triest / Trst

Minister Jaklitsch visits Trieste / Trst


Helena Jaklitsch, Minister of the Republic of Slovenia for Slovenes Abroad, met with Mayor Robert Dipiazzo in Trieste on Monday. The focus was on three topics: visible bilingualism, school issues and the return of the Narodni dom.

Domowina sorgt sich um Zukunft sorbischer Museen im ländlichen Raum der Nieder- und Oberlausitz – Stiftung signalisiert Unterstützung

Domowina worries about the future of Sorbian museums in the rural areas of Lower and Upper Lusatia


The uncertain future of Sorbian museums in the rural areas of Upper and Lower Lusatia prompted the incumbent spokeswoman for the Domowina regional association “Jan Arnošt Smoler” Bautzen / Budyšin, Leńka Thomas, to write a letter to the Foundation for the Sorbian People. The Domowina regional board of Bautzen sees an urgent need for a full-time employee to take care of the financial and material resources of the museums and to support the conceptual work, according to the Domowina press release.

Zweisprachige Beschriftungen auf Weiden in Kärnten / Koroška

Bilingual lables on pastures in Carinthia / Koroška


The season begins on the mountain meadows. The Rural Education Association - Kmečka izobraževalna skupnost (KIS) announces that new bilingual labels are being printed and made available to local farmers and land owners. This strengthens the visible bilingualism, emphasizes KIS President Marinka Mader-Tschertou.
