
AGSM Broschüre in die englische Sprache übersetzt

AGSM brochure in English language


The AGSM brochure was translated into English in 2023, making it the sixth language. In this way, the Slavic minorities and the AGSM would like to reach an even broader audience, as well as partners and institutions. Have fun while reading!

Neue Mazedonische Übersetzung der AGSM Broschüre - Новo македонски превод на брошурата АГСМ

New Macedonian translation of the AGSM Brochure - Новo македонски превод на брошурата АГСМ


The AGSM brochure was translated into Macedonian in 2023 and, for the first time, into a Cyrillic script. With the diligent help of our member organization Ilinden Tirana, the translation was made possible. You can read it here.

Slowenische AGSM Broschüre / Slovenska AGSM brošura

Slovenian AGSM brochure / Slovenska AGSM brošura


The Slovenian edition of the AGSM brochure was realized in 2022 in cooperation with two Slovenian members. NSKS - Council of Carinthian Slovenes and SSO - Council of Slovenian Organizations in Italy did the translation and printing, AGSM did the layout and the online version. You can read the brochure online here. Slovenska izdaja brošure AGSM je izšla leta 2022 v sodelovanju z dvema slovenskima članicama. NSKS - Svet koroških Slovencev in SSO - Svet slovenskih organizacij v Italiji sta poskrbela za prevod in tisk, AGSM za oblikovanje in spletno različico. Brošuro lahko preberete na spletu tukaj.

1. Slawischer Newsletter 2022

1st Slavic Newsletter 2022


First of all, we hope that this newsletter reaches you in best health. Hopefully you enjoyed the festive days during the Christmas and News Years. We wish you a happy, healthy and funny 2022! Here are some latest updates from AGSM.

Wer sind eigentlich die Kärntner SlowenInnen? Neuer AGSM Kurzfilm präsentiert die Minderheit in Österreich

Who are the Carinthian Slovenes? New AGSM short film presents the minority in Austria


Explaining the history of a minority and its current challenges can quickly become tiresome. A new short film about the Carinthian Slovenes living in Austria, presented by the Working Group of Slavic Minorities (AGSM) of FUEN, proves that this can be done differently. With numerous explanatory elements, drawings and a relaxed linguistic style, director Milena Olip succeeds in presenting the minority in a contemporary and entertaining way.

AGSM Broschüre Niedersorbisch / Brošura Źěłowego zjadnośeństwa słowjańskich mjeńšynow

AGSM Brochure Lower Sorbian language / Brošura Źěłowego zjadnośeństwa słowjańskich mjeńšynow


Dear readers, we are pleased to be able to present you with the Lower Sorbian translation of the AGSM brochure. The AGSM brochure, which was published in German in 2019, was translated into Lower Sorbian in 2021 with the support of the State of Brandenburg.

AGSM Broschüre Kroatisch - Hrvatska verzija AGSM Brošure

AGSM Brochure in Croatian / Hrvatska verzija AGSM Brošure


The AGSM brochure was drafted and conceived in German in 2019 with the aim of presenting Slavic minorities to the wider public with the message. The Croatian translation was done in 2021 with great support from the Croatian Center in Vienna. So we invite you to read the AGSM brochure to learn more about the Slavic minorities across Europe.

2. Slawischer Newsletter 2021

2nd Slavic Newsletter 2021


Here you can read the online version of our 2nd Slavic Newsletter 2021. If you want to receive it via Email you can subscribe under

1. Slawischer Newsletter 2021

1st Slavic Newsletter 2021


You are welcome to read the online version of the 1st Slavic Newsletter 2021 here.

AGSM Broschüre

AGSM Brochure


The new AGSM brochure was designed and conceived in 2019 with the aim of introducing Slavic minorities to the wider public. We therefore invite you to read the AGSM brochure to learn more about the Slavic minorities across Europe. Only a German version is currently available, but we are working on English and other versions to be released in 2021!
