
Domowina-Präsidium in Berlin – breite Unterstützung für sorbische Sprache und Kultur bei Gesprächen im Bundestag
Das Präsidium der Domowina, des Bundes Lausitzer Sorben, hat sich am Donnerstag, 7.4., nach Berlin begeben, um im Bundestag die Ausstellung „Was heißt hier Minderheit?” über die anerkannten autochthonen Minderheiten Deutschlands anzuschauen, die als Wanderausstellung in allen Bundesländern gezeigt werden soll. Zudem standen bis zum Nachmittag Gespräche mit allen Bundestagsabgeordneten auf dem Programm, die Mitglieder bzw. stellvertretende Mitglieder des parlamentarischen Beirates der Stiftung für das sorbische Volk sind: Sylvia Lehmann und Simona Koß (beide SPD), Dr. Christiane Schenderlein und Knut Abraham (beide CDU).
MoreBig day in Trieste / Trst: Slovenian Minority gets back Narodni dom
It is a celebratory day in Trieste: with the signing of the contract for the free transfer of ownership of the Fabiani Palace, the Narodni dom officially became the property of the Slovene minority in Italy. Italian President Sergio Mattarella also attended the ceremony.
Help, so we can help! Minorities for Ukraine
The war has changed the lives of the people of Ukraine from one day to another. All nationalities of Ukraine suffer because of the Russian invasion. Besides their lives being in constant danger, they often lack the most basic things needed for survival like water, food, heating, or electricity. While FUEN's basic work is to secure the rights of minorities - such as education in their mother tongue and the preservation of their own culture and identity - we realise that all Ukrainian citizens are suffering in this situation. And we want to help them all. For this reason, we have launched the „Help so we can help! Minorities for Ukraine“ humanitarian aid campaign.
Francesca Sammartino elected new President of "Agostina Piccoli Foundation"
On February 14, 2022 the members of the "Agostina Piccoli" Foundation elected Francesca Sammartino as the new president of the Foundation. With deep sorrow but great honor, Francesca Sammartino pledged to continue the work of her parents and work with the same dedication as the two people who dedicated their lives to the Molise-Croatian minority.
Staatsministerin Meier und Domowina-Vorsitzender Statnik: Sorbisch gehört in Sachsen zum Alltag
Am Freitag den 04.03.2022 trafen in Dresden die sächsische Staatsministerin der Justiz und für Demokratie, Europa und Gleichstellung, Katja Meier, und Dawid Statnik, Vorsitzender der Domowina – Bund Lausitzer Sorben, zu einem Arbeitsgespräch zusammen.
Russia’s war against Ukraine is also affecting the many nationalities from the country
Ukraine’s nationalities are also the victims of Russia’s unlawful invasion of Ukraine! Unfortunately, there were already reports that members of the minority communities have lost their lives while protecting the country. FUEN’s member organisations have informed us that several Greeks and two Hungarians are among the victims of the fights of the first days. We deplore their death and we send our condolences to their families and loved ones.
No minority languages in the vaccination campaign in Austria
The legally recognized ethnic group languages are missing from the current information from the Federal Government on the Covid vaccination requirement in Austria, which is available in a total of eight languages using a QR code. For the chairman of the Minorities Initiative, Vladimir Wakounig, this is a surpassing of guaranteed rights, according to the ORF.
FUEN strongly condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine
The Federal Union of European Nationalities firmly condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine. With this invasion, Russia defied both the independence of a state and international law by engaging in a war that will bring devastation, the death of innocent people and economic damage.
On International Mother Language Day: Upper Sorbian in the Microsoft Bing translator
This year's mother tongue day, which is celebrated internationally on February 21, is a very special one for the Upper Sorbian language spoken in the Saxon region of Upper Lusatia: it is the first minority language in Germany to be integrated into Microsoft's Bing translator. There, Upper Sorbian can not only be translated into German, but also into over a hundred other languages - and vice versa, according to the Domowina press release on February 21, 2022.
The 2021 Metron award posthumously to Antonio Sammartino
The jury unanimously decided to give this prestigious award posthumously to Antonio Sammartino, a Croatian activist from the Molise Croatian community in southern Italy. Sammartino died suddenly and unexpectedly last November, shortly after the successful conclusion of the Slavic Working Group (AGSM) seminar within the Federal Union of European Nations (FUEN) in early October 2021 in Montemitro/Mundimitar and Vasto in southern Italy, according to the press release from the Croatian Center in Vienna.