
Presentation "The Croatian Dialect of Northern Burgenland" by Univ. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Neweklowsky
In continuation of the presentation by Radoslav Janković from Easter Monday about his research on the settlement of Croats from 1524 in the cross-border area between Brno, Mokrý Háj, Győr and today's northern and central Burgenland, the Slavist and em. Univ. Prof. Gerhard Neweklowsky will give a lecture on "The Croatian Dialect of Northern Burgenland". Prof. Neweklowsky describes the immigration, the territory, the language of the Croats of Burgenland and the neighboring areas in Hungary and Slovakia and focuses on the oral language of the Haci and Poljanci of northern Burgenland. The lecture will be held in German.
Alternative for the canceled Lausitz International Folklore Festival only when there are no restrictions
The final decision on the regional Sorbian festival, which is planned as an alternative to the Lausitz International Folklore Festival (July 22-25, 2021), which has been canceled due to the pandemic, will not be finalized until the end of June. Domowina speaker Peter Bresan informed that groups from all regions of Lusatia should be included in the cultural program. There is agreement that this festival will only take place if it should be possible again, without celebrating the current restrictions. There will be no festival where distance, masks and alcohol are forbidden.
10 years of consensus in Carinthia / Koroška
On April 26, 2011 representatives of the central political organizations of the Carinthian Slovenes, the State Secretary Josef Ostermayer (SPÖ) and the governor Gerhard Dörfler signed the consensus after a decade-long dispute over the bilingual town-signs.
Grenzenlos Lesen (Reading without borders) - virtual festival of Burgenland literature
Literature and the digital world are a symbiosis that takes getting used to. Instead of using webcams, GRENZENLOS LESEN had a new video concept created and NOVI GLAS was also allowed to publish the three parts.
Domowina and the Saxon state government held meeting about the Sorbs and structural change
On Wednesday, Dawid Statnik, Chairman of the Sorbian umbrella organization Domowina, and the Saxon State Minister for Regional Development, Thomas Schmidt, as well as Culture and Tourism, Barbara Klepsch, met in the Saxon State Parliament in Dresden for a top-level discussion about the realization of the interests of the Sorbian people in the current structural change .
Veranstaltungsreihe über SorbInnen
Am Mittwoch, 31. März, um 18 Uhr, wird eine Veranstaltungsreihe der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung über die SorbInnen eröffnet. "Hochdeutsch, sächsisch - sorbisch? Sprache und Identität in der Lausitz" heisst die erste Veranstaltung.
Slovenian Minority in Italy met with President Pahor in Ljubljana
Slovenian President Borut Pahor received representatives of the Slovenian ethnic group in Italy with whom he discussed the process of returning the "Narodni dom" to the Slovenian ethnic group and the political representation of the minority at national level.
Meeting of Sorbian associations - Dawid Statnik runs again for chairman of the umbrella organization Domowina
Dawid Statnik will run for another term as chairman of Domowina at the main and election meeting of the Sorbian umbrella organization Domowina on June 12 in Schleife / Slěpe. This declared the 37-year-old father of three children, who lives with his family in Ralbitz / Ralbicy, on Thursday evening in Bautzen House of the Sorbs at the annual meeting of the Domowina chairman with the chairmen of supra-regional Sorbian associations and the regional associations of the umbrella organization. Of 23 participants, 21 were present via video conference, according to the Domowina press release of 19.03.2021.
Klagenfurt / Celovec gets a Slovenian Vice Mayor
Lojze Dolinar, a Carinthian Slovene and former professor at the Slovenian grammar school, is proposed to be the new Vice Mayor of Klagenfurt / Celovec, according to ORF.
State Commissioner Dünow: Supporting European minorities is living in diversity
In a press release from March 5th, 2021, the Brandenburg State Commissioner for Sorbs / Wends Affairs, State Secretary for Science and Culture Tobias Dünow expressed his disappointment at the rejection of the Minority SafePack Initiative by the EU Commission, as well as Brandenburg's strong support for Europe's minorities.