78. Wiener Kroatenball / Hrvatski Bal - Ladiner zu Gast in Wien
Der bevorstehende 78. Wiener Kroatenball als Zeichen der Verbundenheit mit den Ladinern aus Südtirol Der traditionelle Wiener Kroatenball, der als 78. in Folge am 18. Jänner 2025 im Parkhotel Schönbrunn stattfindet, wird eng mit der ladinischen Volksgruppe in Südtirol verbunden sein.
MoreFUEN Season's Greetings
Another eventful year is coming to an end – a time to pause and reflect on what has been accomplished. Over the past twelve months, we have achieved so much together: the EUROPEADA in the German-Danish border region built bridges through sports and culture, our anniversary congress in Husum/Hüsem allowed us to celebrate FUEN’s 75th anniversary together with you, and numerous other initiatives and projects – both large and small – have further strengthened the diversity and rights of Europe’s minorities.
MoreOlga Voglauer bleibt Volksgruppensprecherin im Nationalrat
Die Grünen haben in ihrer Klubsitzung am Dienstag ihre Bereichssprecherinnen und -sprecher im Nationalrat festgelegt. Generalsekretärin Olga Voglauer ist demnach zuständig für die Bereiche Volksgruppen, Landwirtschaft und Tierschutz. Klubobmann Werner Kogler übernimmt Kunst und Kultur, aber nicht mehr den Sport.
MoreKošice has long been a multicultural city, as the participants of the 27th AGSM seminar learnt
The political situation, and especially the increased right-wing extremism is a current concern of Slavic nationalities in Europe. 14 nationalities from 11 countries took part between 14-17 November 2024 in the 27th AGSM Seminar in Košice, Slovakia, hosted by the Czech Association in Slovakia.
MoreParticipants of the 27th AGSM Seminar see extremism as a clear and present danger
The political situation, and especially the increased right-wing extremism is a current concern of Slavic nationalities in Europe. 14 nationalities from 11 countries took part between 14-17 November 2024 in the 27th AGSM Seminar in Košice, Slovakia, hosted by the Czech Association in Slovakia.
MoreAGSM Brochure in Slovak language - Brožúra AGSM v slovenskom jazyku
We are very happy to announce the latest translation of the AGSM Brochure to Slovak language was presented at the 27. AGSM Seminar in Košice, which is already the 7th language in which the brochure is translated. / S veľkou radosťou oznamujeme, že na 27. seminári AGSM v Košiciach bol prezentovaný najnovší preklad brožúry AGSM do slovenčiny. Toto je 7. jazyk, do ktorého bola brožúra preložená.
MoreJoži Buranić is the new HKD President
The oldest association of Croats from Burgenland (and member of FUEN/AGSM) - the Croatian Cultural Association (HKD) - has a new president. At the general assembly on Sunday in Klimpuh, Joži Buranić was elected by a large majority to succeed Stanko Horvat, who had been at the helm of the association for 15 years and did not stand for re-election this time. The AGSM congratulates / čestitke and wishes Mr Buranić a great cooperation!
MoreMeet the Innovators: Dr Jörg Hübner on Using Video Games to Promote the Sorbian Language
Driving forces in the digitalisation of the Sorbian language: Dr Jörg Hübner, as the head of the Rapaki project group, along with his colleagues, has developed interactive video games such as “Krabat and the Secret of the Sorbian King”, which creatively spark and foster interest in Sorbian.
MoreFrom the Alps to the Adriatic: EUROPEADA 2028 will take place in Friuli-Venezia Giulia
The sixth edition of EUROPEADA, the football tournament of the autochthonous national minorities in Europe, will take place in the summer of 2028 (provisionally from 25 June to 2 July) in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region in north-eastern Italy, organized by the Slovenian and Friul minority living there.
MoreSlovenes in Italy meet with the Foreign Minister
On Friday, Slovenian Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon met with representatives of the Slovenian national community in Italy as part of preparations for the meeting of the Slovenian-Italian Coordination Committee of Ministers. At the meeting, the issue of minority representation at the provincial and national level was highlighted.